Solo Adventure: Williamsburg

Hey y’all! Wouldn’t you know it, I went on another solo adventure. This time, I went to Williamsburg! I’ve been plenty of times, but I’ve never been a solo adventure there before so here we go! I went to Colonial Williamsburg which is one of my favorite places. You have the option of just wandering…

NYC In Photos

As you saw from my Kpop post, I promised a fancy-dancy post for all of the artsy pictures I took in New York. There are a lot, so please enjoy this portfolio. As always, please let me know what you think or if you have any advice about photography and travel 🙂    

Waterfalls and Moss

I don’t have a fancy shmancy story or set of thoughts for this post- just wanted to post some pictures of  waterfalls and moss/greenery I’ve collected. Time for the moss!  

Roses…why the romance?

  Right! So roses. A quick study in pink. I would agree. Roses are pretty dang spectacular. But you gotta ask yourself… out of ALL the flowers EVER, why are roses so heavily coveted as a romantic flower? Sure, you gave your girlfriends roses in school on valentines day to make up for the absence…

Bumbling Florals

HA. You thought I had finally moved on from florals, huh?! NOPE HERE’S SOME MORE. (and a close up of a bee.) I’m actually pretty proud of these pieces and how they came out!